Beauty tips for Pimple Marks

Though you are successful in getting rid of pimples, curing pimple marks can be quite daunting. However, some beauty treatments and natural remedies can help you to get rid of pimple marks or pimple scars easily. Read on to find how you can cope with pimple marks with beauty treatments and natural remedies.

Once you get rid of 
pimples, they leave ugly marks on your face. Although it is not difficult to deal with pimple marks, dealing with acne and pimple scars can be frustrating at times. It also depends on how long you have been suffering from pimples and what was the treatment you went through to get rid of it. Also, the effects of different types of treatments vary from person to person.

Treatment Options for Pimple Marks 

There are few treatment options to remove the left over scars of pimples. It is good to consult a dermatologist so that he prescribes you the right kind of treatment. 

Chemical Peels - In this treatment the first layer of the skin gets peeled off which automatically even out the marks and scars. This can be done by 
beauty salons and dermatologists. 

Dermabrasion - This treatment is done in beauty clinics and salons and gives quick and visible results as well. If you want to remove the scars completely you will have to give few sittings. 

Alpha Hydroxy Acid - This helps in the growth of skin cells which helps in reducing the scars and blemishes. This is found in creams and lotions that can be found in any cosmetic or medicine store. 

Laser Treatment - This is one of the ways of treating pimple scars that is very effective. It is an expensive method of getting rid of pimple marks because if the scars are deep you will have to go for more than one sitting for the treatment.

Natural Methods for Coping with Pimple Marks 

Chemical or artificial ways of treating pimple marks have some disadvantages attached to it. They are expensive and have some or the other side effects. Although some treatments give you temporary side effects, they differ from person to person. However, if you opt for 
natural remedies, it is for sure that you will not have to undergo any side effects and you will find the ingredients right into your kitchen. 
  • Lemon Juice - This is very effective and can be applied on the scars directly. This will lighten your pimple marks and eventually it will go away. 
  • Vitamin E - Most of the people are now aware that Vitamin E is beneficial for skin and problems related to it. It is also possible that the scars are there just because of the deficiency of Vitamin E in your skin. Get a good nourishing cream that has Vitamin E in it and start using it as directed. You will find positive results in no time. 
  • Puree of Fruits - Make puree of fruits like pineapple or apple and apply on the affected area. Wash your face after 20 minutes. 
  • Sandal Wood Paste - Make a paste of sandalwood powder and black gram dal and apply it on the scars. Leave overnight and wash it in the morning. Paste of sandalwood power and rose water applied on the scars also help remove the scars. Leave the paste overnight and then wash your face in the morning. 
  • Cucumber Juice - Application of cucumber juice on face also helps lighten the scars. 
  • Tomato Slice - Rub a sliced tomato on your face. Leave for 15 - 20 minutes and then wash. 
These are natural ways of treating pimple marks. Keep in mind that it will take some time and will give better results if carried on consistently. It is good to stay natural for an effective, long term and side effect free cure from pimple marks.

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Beauty tips for Pimple Marks
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