Exfoliate Your Face

How often do you exfoliate your skin? Is it enough? How should you exfoliate? Read on for information on exfoliation and a great homemade scrub recipe. 

The older you grow, the more often you need to exfoliate your skin. As we all know, skin cells die and new cells keep getting regenerated. These dead cells come to rest on the top layer of our skin, making our skin look dull, and, in some cases, patchy. Although dead skin is replaced naturally by new cells, this process takes longer as we age, making our skin look duller and patchier for greater lengths of time. This is why regular exfoliation becomes a must.

How often should I exfoliate? 

In your twenties, exfoliate skin twice a week with a granular face scrub. These are gentle on the skin. In your thirties, exfoliate skin every alternate day, or on a daily basis. You can do this by adding exfoliation to your 3-step routine. So your routine can be cleansing, toning and moisturizing once a day, and cleansing, exfoliating, toning and moisturizing the second time around. You can cut down the process by simply using an exfoliating face wash.

Once you enter your forties, you can consider going in for a few microdermabrasion treatments. This treatment entails the use of an abrasive crystal that removes dry, dead tissue and encourages rejuvenation. It is non-surgical, does not require anesthesia, and you can be back at work the same day. Around five to eight treatments should suffice through your forties, and when you reach the age of fifty, go in for a chemical peel.

How should I exfoliate?

Apply face scrub on wet skin after cleansing, and scrub using gentle, circular motions. Wash off with cool or tepid water. Follow up with toner and moisturizer. Once a week, go in for a deep cleansing treatment. Steam your face and then scrub it well with a face scrub. Apply a mud mask to your face and leave on for ten minutes. The properties of the mask will get well and truly absorbed by the skin. Then, wash off the mask  make sure you use cool or tepid water, never hot water  and follow up with toner and moisturizer. Do this once a week, or once a fortnight, no matter what your age.

Will regular exfoliation help get rid of blackheads?

Yes, exfoliation helps keep a check on blackheads. If an area is prone to blackheads, pay special attention to the area while exfoliating. For example, if you have blackheads on your nose, and even if you do not exfoliate daily, try scrubbing just your nose with your face scrub daily. Over time the blackheads will vanish.

Any homemade recipes?

Here’s how you can make your own all-natural exfoliating mask at home.

1 tsp sugar (granulated, not powdered)
1 tsp honey
1 tsp plain yogurt

Mix the ingredients together and apply it to your face. Leave it on for ten minutes, and rinse with water, scrubbing gently. Your face will feel dewy and soft.

And finally!

Remember that exfoliation dries out skin, so always apply moisturizer after exfoliating. If you apply moisturizer after exfoliation, not only will the dryness vanish, but the moisturizer will also be able to penetrate the skin deeper, since dead cells are not blocking its path. As a result, your daily moisturizer will become doubly effective!

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Exfoliate Your Face
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