How To Use Sunscreens


Sunscreen is a must as it protects your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays. Read on to know why sunscreen is necessary for healthy skin.

Exposure to harsh ultraviolet radiations could lead to the
 onset of wrinkles. Sunlight exposes you to two kinds of ultraviolet light, called UVA and UVB. Both can be responsible for skin damage, including wrinkles and skin cancer.

How effective is your sunscreen? 

SPF (sun protection factor) is the measure to count the effectiveness of the sunscreen. A sunscreen with higher amount of SPF guarantees you a maximum protection from harmful UV rays. Applying sunscreen with SPF 15 will protect you from  sunburn for approximately 150 minutes. The activities like swimming and sweating will eventually reduce the effectiveness of the SPF.

Unluckily, even sunscreens with high SPF numbers offer you less than full protection. Though sunrays are the source of vitamin D, an excessive exposure to the sunlight may lead to
 skin damage. Gauge the effectiveness of your sunscreen lotion or cream by using it for a few days. You may get hold of another brand if you are not happy with the one you are using.

Benefits of using sunscreen lotions

Sunscreens chemically reduce the amount of ultraviolet rays that pierce your
 skin. Sunscreens create a barrier between harsh sunrays and your sensitive skin .

People often end up applying sunscreen only to the face. What about other body areas which are exposed to sun too? Sunscreen should be applied to all sun-exposed areas. Sunscreen takes around 15-20 minutes to get absorbed in the
 skin. To get maximum benefit of your sunscreen, make it a point to apply it about 15 minutes before stepping out in the sun. 
Wearing sunscreen is the part of your daily skin care Selecting any random product may not fulfill your need. The sunscreen you need may vary according to your skin type, the amount of sunscreen lotion you apply, the amount of reapplication throughout a day, and the amount of sunscreen your skin absorbs.

How to get most out of your sunscreen?

Some ingredients in the sunscreen may lead to skin allergies or reactions. It is very important to carry a patch test before using any
 skin or hairproduct. Apply a little amount of sunscreen on a small patch of your skin and keep it for 48 hours. If reaction such as redness or irritation occurs then consider trying another sunscreen brand. If your skin does not show any adverse reactions after skin patch test then it is safe to use the product. Here are few skin care tips for you, so that you can get most out of your sunscreen.
  • Apply sunscreen about 15-20 minutes before exposing your  skin to the sun. 
  • Reapply sunscreen after every 2-3 hours in the sun. 
  • Remember to apply sunscreen lotion to your lips.
  • Check the label to make sure your sunscreen offers UVA and UVB protection. 
  • Choose a sunscreen with SPF numbers that offer best protection to your  skin type. 
  • SPF 15+ is recommended for Indian skin. 
  • Make sure that sunscreen is the last thing you apply on your face. It should be applied after applying moisturizer or foundation. 
  • Apply sunscreen daily without fail.
What ritual do you follow for your skin? Scrubbing, cleansing, toning, and moisturizing, is not it? Now it is time to add one more thing to your skin care regime and that is using sunscreen. Would you like to have baby soft skin, even in your 30s, 40s, and 50s and beyond? Always apply sunscreen, with SPF more than 15 and protect your skin. A little care now can go a long way.

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How To Use Sunscreens
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