Puffy Face

Does your face tend to look puffy every now and again Here are some possible reasons, and what you can do to get rid of the puffiness.

Do you ever wake up in the morning and wonder what happened to your face? It looks bloated and puffy, and you have no idea what went wrong. You just put it down to a bad face day, do whatever makeup you can to look a little better, and continue with your day believing that whatever went wrong will just correct itself eventually. There's nothing you can do about it, right...... Wrong!!!.

First, think about this. Did you exercise today? If not, why not Perhaps because there is no real sense of urgency. If we don't exercise 3 times a week, we don't fall sick on the weekend. But, if our bodies did indeed tell us what we are doing wrong regularly, we would definitely pay more heed.

However, what most of us don't realize, is that our bodies do let us know, in various ways, that something we are doing is wrong, but most of us either don't notice, or ignore it until it goes away and we feel the full effects only years later,

Our face is an accurate indicator of our health. When our bodies are
 undergoing hormonal changes, we know because we start developing pimples, or thicker facial hair. When we are very stressed, we start experiencing hair fall. When we smoke too much, our lips go black much before our lungs collapse. Similarly, the effects of unhealthy habits such as an improper diet or lack of exercise are only visible years later. When we start putting on weight, develop high blood pressure, problems with our kidneys or lungs due to excessive smoking or drinking, heart problems, or when we develop any other of the numerous lifestyle related problems, we start getting more conscious about our health and habits. Our faces are thus telling us what we did wrong recently. We drank too much Coke or alcohol, ate too many burgers, or exercised too little. 

Similarly our faces get puffy when:

  • We are dehydrated. If we haven't had enough water to drink, our bodies tend to absorb whatever water it can, and as a result blood vessels enlarge, leading to a puffy face. To prevent this, make sure you drink a glass of water every night before going to bed. Keep a bottle of water by your bedside table so you never forget to take that last glass of water. If you wake up and see that your face is puffy, reach for some water immediately and drink up. Avoid tea or coffee, since these are diuretics and will flush even more water out of your system. Keep drinking water through the day, and the puffiness, if caused by dehydration, should reduce. 
  • Our diet is inadequate. We need to take in some fat, so that our skin stays supple. In addition, if your body lacks in beta-carotene or vitamin C, it will show in your face. One of the best things you can have to instantly nourish you and your skin is watermelon juice. Put a large piece of the fruit, along with the seeds, in a blender, extract the juice and drink up.
  • Drinking  too much alcohol at night may also lead to a puffy face in the  morning.

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Puffy Face
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