simple skin care remedies

If you really love your skin, use only natural and herbal products on it. You also need to follow a balanced diet to get beautiful skin. Read on to know some simple skin care remedies.

Loads of cosmetics and 
skin care products are available in the market. We spend lot of money on these cosmetics and skin care products. However, we tend to forget some basic things which can create miracles to our skin. There are some natural remedies which can help to maintain beautiful skin without spending much on cosmetics. 

As skin is the largest and sensitive organ of our body, proper skin care regime is a must. If you follow a proper diet and use natural products you can save a lot on other beauty treatments. Here’s a guide on how you can use simple skin care remedies to obtain a beautiful and flawless skin.

Skin care products 

Have a quick look at how you can use easily accessible and natural products for your skin care regime. These skin care regime will not only help you to deal with infections, scars and other disorders but also help you love your skin.

  • Rub a slice of papaya on your face skin and let it stay for 10-15 minutes. Wash your face with cold water. This mask is good for dealing with an oily skin if it is used at-least once in two weeks. Try to avoid this practice if your skin is sensitive. 
  • Get a beautiful glow on your face by massaging your face skin with the mixture of almond, sandalwood and milk. 
  • Mix water boiled with neem leaves in cold water and take bath with such water regularly. This practice will help you to deal with all kinds of skin problems and infections. 
  • Use milk powder to deal with a tanned skin. You just have to mix milk powder with water and rub it on your skin. You can also use milk instead of using milk powder for de-tanning your skin. 
  • Massage your skin with curd if you want to get rid of very dry skin. Curd will also act as natural skin bleach for your skin. You can also use a mixture of honey and few drops of lemon juice as skin bleach. Avoid using curd or mixture of honey and lemon juice drops if you are having a very sensitive skin. 
  • Make use of almond oil, olive oil or coconut oil to massage your face, hands and legs before taking bath during winters. It will help you to deal with dry skin during winters and get a natural glow on your face. 
  • Place mint leaves all over your face and let it stay for 10-15 minutes. This practice will help you to deal with pimples. 
  • Cleanse your skin by rubbing tomato slices on your face. 
  • Keep your face fresh by washing it three to four times a day without using soap or face-wash solution. 
  • Maintain a clear skin by rubbing your face with a pinch of turmeric powder. You should practice this remedy at least once a week.

Skin care by eating healthy 

You do not have to go on a strict diet for obtaining healthy and beautiful skin. You just need to make small changes in your eating habits. Read on to find how you can imbibe healthy eating habits to get a gorgeous skin.
  • Keep a habit of drinking at-least 1.5 liters of water a day. Drinking lots of water detoxifies body. It not only helps to get a beautiful skin but also lose weight. Water therapy is illustrious these days to treat various health disorders. 
  • Try to reduce the proportion of oil while cooking your regular meals. Instead, try cooking food with more of water than oil. 
  • Eat fruits daily and try to eat raw tomatoes to get red cheeks. If you are took keen to have red cheeks try to eat red fruits and vegetables regularly. 
  • Eats lots of fruit or vegetable salads if you do not like to eat fruit as a whole or a cooked vegetable. 
  • Put a pinch of turmeric powder in each glass of milk you drink to deal with some skin disorders. 
  • Have a balanced diet always to get a beautiful skin.
Nature has gifted us so many products which are much better than chemical based beauty products. Learn to make use of natural and herbal products instead of damaging your skin. Cosmetics can only give temporary good look. But natural remedies help to maintain good and healthy skin forever. Natural beauty of your skin is a real beauty indeed.

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