The Nose Job

On a hunt for the perfect nose? If you have been toying with the idea of going in for a nose job, here’s what you should know.

Your nose sits pretty (or not so pretty) at the centre of your face, and one that is too large, bumpy or bulbous can take away from otherwise attractive features. Here’s how you can tell if you are a good candidate for a rhinoplasty - or a nose job.

Do you really need a nose job?

Firstly, understand that you are by no means the best person to answer this question. Not only have you seen your reflection in the mirror millions of times, but you have also mentally magnified every imperfection in your face and body. Those bump on the nose that seems so glaring to you may be invisible to most others, including your closest friends. So take a few honest opinions before committing yourself to surgery and remember, what you consider as ugly often passes unnoticed by others. After all, those minor imperfections in your nose could be your sex appeal!

If you have been upset about your nose for many years, if it makes you self-conscious and affects your confidence, you could perhaps consider going in for a nose job.

Are you in good health?

Needless to say, persons with certain health problems may not be able to withstand the demands surgery places on their bodies. You need to be fairly fit and healthy before going in for surgery.

Are you psychologically stable?

A nose job can have emotional ramifications. Results from the surgery will not be immediate. You will have swelling, and may develop blotches on the face. This swelling will go down after a few weeks. Thus, you will definitely come out looking worse for wear in the weeks following the surgery. It can take anywhere from a month to two for you to fully recover and enjoy your new nose! A person who is not mentally strong may go into depression when their reflection in the mirror day after day seems to only get worse.

Do you have realistic expectations?

Often, a person undergoes a nose job after years of debating whether or not he should have one. As such, his expectations tend to be extremely high. Remember, your life is not going to change after you get a nose job. In fact, chances are, people may not even realize you have had plastic surgery! Add this to the fact that recovery time is slow, painful and uncomfortable, and you have a huge chance of being disappointed and depressed after the surgery.

Will the benefits outweigh the risks in your case?

Surgery is not a matter to be taken lightly. Risks associated with rhinoplasty are very few, but make sure the benefits outweigh these risks. You are likely to develop redness on your face, and at times, although not often, these red spots can be permanent. However, they can easily be concealed with makeup. A lot of people swear that they prefer a little redness to an ugly nose. Others report increase in allergies, nosebleeds and side effects to the anesthesia.

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The Nose Job
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